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Migrating to v7 from v6

All of the datasets need to be moved to a layer as part of the v7 migration.

The migration script carries this out, along with other operations.

To execute it, you'll need to decide:

  1. Which layer the existing datasets should be moved to.
  2. What the full complement of layers in your rAPId instance should be.


Local requirements

You will need the ability to run Batect, the requirements for which are listed here.


Make the infrastructure changes

The v7 infrastructure changes need to be applied to your rAPId instance.

  1. Add the layers variable to the rAPId cluster module. layers will be a list of the layers you wish to use in your rAPId instance. You can omit this if you just want to use the default layer.
  2. Change the rAPId module source to:
  3. Update both the application_version and ui_version variables to v7.0.4

Apply these changes.

Clone the repo

To do this, run:

git clone -b v7.0.4

Set your environment variables

Within the rAPId repo, set the following variables in the .env file to match those of your rAPId instance and AWS account:

# rAPId instance variables

# AWS environment variables

Run the migration script

You can now run the script and specify your layer configuration. Examples for it are below:

Example 1:

You do not wish to use the layer functionality:

  • The existing datasets can be moved to a default layer
  • The full complement of layers can just consist of one, called default.

To do this, you would run:

make migrate-v7 layer=default all-layers=default
Example 2:

You wish to use the layer functionality and largely have raw data already in your rAPId instance:

  • The existing datasets can be moved to a raw layer.
  • The full complement of layers in your rAPId instance can mirror your architecture and be: raw, curated and presentation

To do this, you would run:

make migrate-v7 layer=raw all-layers=raw,curated,presentation